Friday, 16 February 2007

Some observations on America and Americans

No offence intended from the comments below - just some observation based on my time in NY, SF, LV and LA.

1) There are lots of homeless people everywhere.
2) Americans have no sense of humour at all. They totally don't get jokes. Even really obvious ones.
3) It is really hard to eat healthily. Everything is served fried, with cheese or in mammoth portions.
4) It is really difficult to buy small size in anything - chewing gum, soaps, deodorant, clothes (XL here is like XXL back home).
5) Americans have no patience. The number of times I have been in a queue and the people behind me that start huffing and puffing after only a few minutes. It started to wind me up.
6) Tipping has gone crazy here. You tip the waiter, you tip the person who cleans your table, you tip the tour driver, you tip the person that takes you to the tour office, you tip your server, you tip the bell-hop who just stands there, you tip the maid who cleans your room, you tip the bartender, it gones on and on. Absolutely crazy.
7) Americans don't get accents. Most I've bumped into think i'm Australian????
8) There are some really huge people here. People are either slim/Average or heavily overweight. Not sure why. Not that uncommon to see people finding it difficult to walk down the street.
9) It is really dirty on the streets in the Cities. I wasn't expecting it coming from London but the cities are in a state.
10) The first thing Americans talk to you about after you tell them you are English and not Australian is the weather back home or the queen.

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